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All Marsden SHS Final - FIFA20 Xbox 1 Season 1

When we launched our FIFA20 online competitions, during the height of COVID19 restrictions in Australia, we never thought we would attract players from all over the world.

We had registered players from Australia, New Zealand, Italy and Canada who signed up in our Xbox 1 Season 1 competition. This included a number of students from Marsden State High School in Brisbane. What we didn't know however, was just how tough the competition would be.

We were thrilled when the competition kicked off and players started sending through their results. We started to suspect that we had some serious players when we saw scores like Marsden Makos (25) vs Silverton Blunners (0) and MSHS (14) vs Newy Bears (2). As we tracked these two players' progress, we were not surprised when they met in the Grand Final.

What was interesting was that these two competitors came from the same school, Marsden State High School and that they were both part of the school's Football Excellence program.

The stage was set for an all Marsden State High School Final and were better to play this game than at school, in front of their peers.

Around 100 Football mad students filled the school's new Center of Excellence for Performing Arts building, adhering to social distancing measures of course. The atmosphere was fantastic with the live audience, clapping, cheering and chanting support for their two fellow Football Excellence peers.

In the end, the final was a fairly one sided affair with Jeremy winning 6-0, but the sportsmanship, comradery and excitement shown during the final was an excellent example of how esports can bring people together and build community.

The event received some great press coverage that can be seen below.

Jeremy was also interviewed on ABC radio, with the broadcast going out across 4BC, 2GB Sydney, 2CC Canberra and a bunch of other regional networks.

We are now opening up our FIFA20 Xbox 1 Season 2 competition, where the winner will qualify to take on Jeremy as he defends with title. Competition details will go live across our Facebook Page later this evening.

A huge thank you to the players, supporters and press for the way in which they have embraced this competition. A massive shout out must also go out to the Marsden State High School community (staff and students) for their tremendous support and willingness to assist in bringing our season 1 final to life.

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