The FUSE Cup has launched an initiative to bring our Global Just Dance 2022 competition to Africa.

The Esports For All program aims to provide safe and inclusive opportunities for female gamers in developing nations.
"We believe that building access to our truly inclusive and equal gaming competitions for students shouldn’t be limited to students from the world’s richest nations.
Gaming is for everybody and has the power to break down barriers, be they economic, religious, cultural, language or gender based.
We are deeply passionate about increasing female participation in esports and providing girl gamers, from all over the world, an opportunity to come together in a safe and supportive environment" said Dan Martinez, Chief Operating Officer of The FUSE Cup.
The initiative bring together The FUSE Cup, our principal sponsors CompNow and Esports Africa News who will assist with the connections to roll out to schools in Africa.
The goals of the Esports For All initiative are...
Increase female participation in esports from developing nations in Africa
Establish cultural exchange partnering Australian schools with schools in Africa through Sister School model
Create opportunities for female gamers in Africa to compete in the existing global network of FUSE Cup schools
We are so fortunate to be working with CompNow who have made this initiative possible. Their generosity, compassion and shared vision around the benefits of esports are greatly appreciated.